Day: September 12, 2017

When God Allows Unhappy Moments To Take Place

“I can’t tell you about my unhappy moments because I’ve never experienced any before,” my friend said. We were having a small group discussion and were taking turns to share about at least three moments in our lives that made us unhappy.

Stay Awhile

During a discussion of The Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, a teenager said he prefers his stories in books rather than movies. When asked why, the young man replied, “With a book, I can stay there as long as I want.” There is something to be said for the power of lingering in a book, especially the Bible, and “inhabiting” the stories there.

Hebrews 11, often called “the faith chapter” of the Bible, mentions nineteen people by name. Each one traveled a road of difficulty and doubt, yet chose to obey God. “All these people were still living by faith…

How does God relate to our deeply felt tears?

Emotions are so complex. There’s not always a straightforward answer to the question, “Why are you crying?” But today on Discover the Word, we will open up a helpful discussion about God’s emotions, as revealed in the Bible. How does God relate to our deeply felt “Tearful Expressions”? Listen today on Discover the Word!